The Wilmington and New York Railway : A Visitor - February 2010
©2010 George J. Irwin. All rights reserved. Reposting Prohibited.
I am a semi-regular participant on a varying number of Internet Forums, including one called "The Whistle Post." While it's mostly HO focused, all modelers in all scales and interests are welcome to join in. There are some N Scalers on board as well and several of us participated in a "traveling car" program during 2010. It's simple: A single piece of rolling stock, usually a freight car, "travels" around different model railroads. ("Interchange" between these railroads is usually handled by the Postal Service.) Here's the stop that this visiting car made on the Wilmington and New York Railroad.
We need a small hole in the space/time continuum for The Whistle Post car to arrive in 1963, but here it is at the front of the Delaware and Hudson's train out of Plattsburgh headed into Au Sable Forks and interchange with the Wilmington. Once I get operations started in earnest, this is how I expect the "day" will begin.
The Wilmington's unit #57 is waiting with its train of cars from local industries that are ready to be handed off to the D&H for further routing to various destinations. Looks like the photographer was looking for a bit of a artsy shot... the railbed is actually nearly flat here!
The two crews work together to make the exchange of cars go as efficiently as possible. By the way, that Eaton's truck on the road above the yard probably also needed a time warp to be around in 1963, but Rule #1 applies.
And the D&H crew heads back towards Plattsburgh with their train. It's a fairly typical set of cars leaving the Wilmington, mostly loads from the key on-line industries like Roebson Process (the tank cars), the Lugubrium Corporation of America (the covered hoppers) and the J&J Rogers Paper Company (the green and blue boxcar).
With the D&H train out of the way, the Wilmington's crew has the whole interchange yard to itself for rearranging cars according to where they are headed. The Whistle Post car will be spotted at the J&J Rogers Paper Company so it's coupled to one of the Wilmington's own cars that's to be left at the same location.
There's a bit of street running heading out of the interchange toward the industries in Au Sable Forks. The track curving off in the foreground leads to the extension that I'm building (progress reports elsewhere on this site). Who left the door open on the Wilmington's boxcar?
The freight holds for the Wilmington's Rail Diesel Car to scoot past on its morning run from Lake Placid to Au Sable Forks. In the background is some pulpwood which will be consumed by the papermaking process.
Destination reached! The J&J Rogers Company will load the car, and several of the Wilmington's own boxcars, with high quality paper products and the car will be on its way to its next stop shortly.
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