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(Page Two)
© 2000 by George Irwin, Ellison Park, NY || Last Updated: 1 Sept 2000 || Reposted 24 Aug 2004

This second page of photos of our daughter covers the time period June to August 2000, when she was still just a baby.
(Left) This photo graced the cover of our official birth announcement, and was captioned, "My Baby Sister Is Here!"

The granddaughter,
with Grandpa Irwin (left)
and Grandma Irwin
(right), August 2000

As close to an "official" Baptism photo as we have, June 10, 2000: From left to right: Godmother Mary Ellen; Godparents Tony and Colleen (holding Thalia); Reverend Christopher, the celebrant; Dad (holding Kieran); Mom. Thalia is wearing the same baptismal gown that Kieran had worn when he was baptized, and was the only one to be baptized that day... she got lots of attention!

And a quiet adoring moment with Godmother Mary Ellen, the night before, June 9, 2000. Gotta like that 800 speed film!

And would you be my agent?!?

how about a game of...