Welcome To...
(Page One!)
© 2000 by George Irwin, Ellison Park, NY || Last Updated: 1 Sept 2000 || Reposted 24 Aug 2004

These were the first photos "published" of our daughter. When they first hit the net under the title "Thalia's Photo Page," there was sufficient confusion with the famous singer Thalia that the transfer bandwidth was exceeded! Fortunately, I was able to change the title of my webpage. By the way, the singer pronounces her name "Thal-EE-a" and our daughter is "THAL-ya". In case you were curious.
The very first image... I'm not sure it's really a "photo"...

Now, the vital statistics...

And here she is...
Thalia Elizabeth Irwin!
Taken when she was just about twelve hours old...

The classic "size comparison" shot... that's Mommy's arm wrapped around the new daughter.

And this is the classic "Yawn Shot"-- we have one of Kieran also! The bear in the background was selected by Kieran to be her "first bear". Big brother is adjusting to his new role. He's even held little sister already...

And speaking of big brother... here he is in Room 1109, Wellstream Family Birth Center, Park Ridge Hospital, Greece, New York-- or, more to the point, where Thalia Elizabeth was born. And doesn't it figure somehow that as we're overwhelmed with the emotions around the birth of our daughter, that I would get a "grab shot" that turns out to be one of my very favorite pictures of him?