Welcome To... © 2000 by George Irwin, Ellison Park, NY || Last Updated: 1 Sept 2000 || Reposted 24 Aug 2004
This second page of photos featuring Kieran (mostly) are from the Year 2000 (mostly)...
(Left) First, let's establish this up front: There really is an Ellison Park...

(Right) I know the elephants are here somewhere...
...well, I can still ride the turtle! Cleveland's Metroparks Zoo, June 2000.

(Left) Kieran is dancin'... and singin'... in the rain...
Photo by our friend Christina (Duncan's mom), April 2000.

(Right) Looking out to sea... well, Lake Ontario, actually, July 2000.

(Left) With his Uncle Steve, June 13, 2000. (No relation to the former electronics purveyor in Downtown Manhattan.)

(Right) Finally, who does this look like?
Well, if you look at the date on the photo: 1939-- it can't be Kieran. It's actually his grandfather! Notice the resemblance? We did too. And 'fess up... how many of you out there remember Gimbels?