A few photos from what has become a tradition in our family. Rosemary is from San Jose and each year she and her sisters and all the children come back to visit and spend time together. Kieran and Thalia have been "California Dreaming" since we left last year... and they successfully negotiated a longer trip this time.

Why do people want to live in California? Well, the weather is one big reason. The sky was that blue every day we were there! This opening view is at Moss Beach which is just off Highway 1 between Half Moon Bay and Pacifica. If you can't do any other part of the Pacific Coast Highway, this short stretch is the one I would most strongly recommend.
Last Update: 23 Aug 2007

Thalia Elizabeth and her cousin Lily pose at their Aunt Margery's house. Lily and her family live in Spain. ¡Qué bonitas!

Same place, but this time it's Kieran and his cousin Alex (Lily's brother). And "bunny ears..." The four kids got along famously the whole time and many tears were shed when it was time for everyone to go home. But I'm rushing; in this photo, we just got here!

Thalia tries out being a fashion show model, complete with hat!

Later at Grammy and Grandfather's house, Kieran is playing his DS and observing Thalia, Lily and Alex doing the same! They are wirelessly connected to one game. It's a 21st Century version of family togetherness...

What are you doing in that tree, Thalia Elizabeth? This is in the Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park. Most of us visited there one afternoon.

I already know what you're doing, Kieran, but I got you before you stuck your tongue out!

OK, well, you got me that time...

A brief pause to look up and view the majesty of the redwood forest before moving on. We are eternally grateful to those who had the foresight to preserve it, even if the area adjacent to the Henry Cowell State Park was initially saved in order to make money by charging tourists to view the forest. You mean it wasn't Joni Mitchell who thought up, "They took all the trees and put 'em in a tree museum" ("Big Yellow Taxi")?!?

Off to Santa Cruz! One of our favorite places on earth! Last year, we had the beach almost to ourselves, as we came early one morning. This year, there were more of us-- all six first cousins plus five parents-- and we took full advantage of the "1907 Days" with 75 cent rides, 75 cent hot dogs (good ones!), 75 cent soda (large!) and 75 cent cotton candy (enough for serious tooth decay!). Highly recommended! Oh, and after years of striking out, I finally got a shot of the train that comes down from the redwoods straight to the beach-- the Santa Cruz, Big Trees and Pacific. Had to sneak at least one train photo in, once in a while! And check out the beautiful blue sky...

Action shot! Kieran and his cousin John (head turned away) on the "Tsunami" ride. It goes forwards and backwards, both at high speed... Thanks, I'll just watch! I'd rather keep those 75 cent hot dogs, if you know what I mean...

Kieran did luck out on the Tsunami; he got three turns in while Thalia, Rosemary, Heather, Lily, Alex and Billy had just one ride on the Ferris Wheel! Here he is between iterations.

But I did get a great shot of Thalia and Rosemary on that Ferris Wheel... and I still can't get over how incredible the sky is. Did I mention how very partial I am to blue?

Ever seen a hummingbird's nest? There it is, right in the center of the shot. No bigger than a silver dollar. Hummingbirds frequently visit the backyard of Rosemary's childhood home, and at least one family made it their home as well. Although I did see her several different times, I couldn't get any pictures of Mrs. Hummingbird. They're just too fast!

Now, back to Moss Beach for a couple of closing shots taken on our last full day in California. Besides being one of an unfair number of scenic spots along the California Coast, it is also a marine wildlife sanctuary. Here's Thalia posing in the bright sunlight of a late afternoon near a tidal pool.

And here's Kieran "leaning against a cliff" in a location that's just a ninety degree pivot for me from where Thalia was sitting. See what I mean about "an unfair number of scenic spots?" Well, that's the last one from this trip-- see you next year? We hope so!