These digital images were taken between November 2004 and March 2005.
Last Update: 29 Sep 2005

We begin with this November 2004 shot of Thalia at her preschool, on a day in which Daddy could visit and take photos! Thalia had two wonderful years attending Pre-School; she loved every minute of it!

A smiling Thalia with Grandma, at the New Jersey home of Grandma and Grandpa, not to be confused with the California home of Grammy and Grandfather...

And a smiling Kieran (does the ice cream just out of the shot have something to do with this?), same location.

A more serene smile, as caught at the Electric City Trolley Museum, Scranton, Pennsylvania. And in fact, a bit of a setup for this next shot...

...which to me is quite the contrast between the two emerging personalities! Thalia is in her "Miss Cheivous" pose (get it?) while Kieran just seems to be accepting, as if to say, "Oh, well"... This one's on our photo wall at home.

Back at the relocated UMTRR HQ (under the stairs in the basement, not unlike Harry Potter): What do you mean, this is your chair, Daddy?

And up in the kitchen: What do you mean, I have to do the dishes?

Kieran's entry for 2005 was this Red Green car! For those of you not familiar with "The Red Green Show," it's a CBC-TV (Canadian Import) shown on some PBS Outlets in the USA (especially near the northern border) and it's a blend of slapstick, intellectual humor and just plain silliness that is, in a word, a scream. As you can see, the Pinewood Car used plenty of "The Handyman's Secret Weapon"-- duct tape. Red's the guy on the front of the car (did you guess?) and his nephew Harold is pasted onto the back end... just the way Red would like it. And remember, keep your stick on the ice!

The Red Green Car cruises to victory! Unretouched photo! See, any tool can be the right tool! (Uh, just don't ask about the other races.)

Wintertime... yes, the snow does get that high...

But you can still have fun with it... and on it...

...and besides, you can look really cool, right Thalia?

Speaking of which, a different way to end the page this time... with a frozen lakescape (Ontario, to be exact) at sunset. I took almost 100 digital images that day and some of them, like this one, came out quite nicely! But we'd warm things up a bit before too much longer in the Great White North...