These photos are selections from the year 2003.
Last Update: 19 Oct 2003 || Reposted 24 Aug 2004

This time we'll start at Grandma and Grandpa Irwins' in New Jersey with photos by the proud grandparents. First here's Thalia posing while coloring...

And checking out a book on the big comfy couch in the living room.

Kieran in the kitchen...

And plotting his next move on the HO Scale "Irwin Lines" Model Railroad. Yes, this is the same one that my brother and I used to operate as children...

Surrealistic action shot! Hey, once in a while we have to throw in a curveball...

Back in the home area now... Kieran and Thalia pose with some big stars that are "touring" with the CMT Country Music Television van. I don't know, but somehow I thought the singers would be a little more "animated"... I guess That Don't Impress Me Much...

And as you can see, the two kids are now both old enough to know what to do when Daddy asks them to pose for a photo for this page...

And finally, here's Kieran overlooking a few selections from his Lego® accumulation...

...and Thalia posing with a soccer (aka "football") ball at one of Kieran's classes. I'll bet she'll follow in her brother's footsteps. That's all for now, see you next time!