These photos span the time period April to September 2001.
Last Update: 14 December 2001

PLANES... ! Specifically, a brand spankin' new JetBlue Airbus forming the background for a picture of Kieran on the runway at the Greater Rochester International Airport. No danger of takeoff, though; this was during their 2001 Air Show. We finally had the chance to sit in the cockpit of a real jet airliner...

TRAINS... ! This is at the very end of track in Seward, Alaska, and that's Kieran posing with Alaska Railroad's GP40-P 3010, which has just pulled our passenger train over from Anchorage, August 9, 2001. We have a whole 'nother page on the Alaska Adventure... have a look!

and AUTOMOBILES... ! We can't leave Thalia out of the fun, can we? And here she is, proudly standing tall in the front seat of the "new" car, September 2001. Hey, only another 15 1/2 years until I can drive, Daddy!

...another automobile, in fact, a RACING CAR! Ah, this is a little more like it... they will be able to drive something like this before they're in need of a license! A bit of sibling togetherness at a truck show that took place last Spring. It was cloudy and rainy, but the dispositions were sunny...

...and here's another racing car! This one was borrowed from a neighbor of my parents back in New Jersey, where this picture was taken by my mom and/or dad.


Ah... Mommy's shoulders are much better...

Meanwhile, how about... HORSES! One of the big events of the summer was "Horses on Parade," a charity fundraiser that put artistically created horses all over the area. Some of our favorites were posed at the airport, including the one Kieran is embracing which is a tribute to metro area firefighters who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

...and another horse! Your faithful author in a rare photo appearance, beside my favorite of all of the "Horses On Parade." (Although the vote was close.)

Speaking of horses... how does Number 2 look in the Tenth? The kids' first visit to Finger Lakes Race Track, over the summer. They had a great time seeing the real thing up close in personal, and got to meet some of the "winners" post-race. As for betting... well, they're a little young, and if they take after their father all they'll do is "feed the horses..."