A1G 2350 Series: Flat Cars, 50 Foot with Two Trailers Another short series of two that was for me the introduction to N Scale Intermodal. Well, sort of. The concept of "piggyback" on the railroads dates back at least to the 1950's on a large scale, and well before then on an individual attempt scale. Atlas had Roco do these cars in Austria for them, and then brought over and updated the tooling for United States manufacture in the second generation. This car in that modified form is still available today from Atlas, with both two "pup" trailers and with a single 40 foot trailer. The "Trainman" release does a much better job with the holes in the floor that hold the trailers; they are a lot less consipicuous now. Back on the A1G side, these cars are relatively easy to find as runners but significantly harder to come by as new in box condition. As with the 2340 depressed center flat cars, that add on vertical brake wheel gets bent, broken or lost pretty easily! I have them on these cars although as you can see in the images, they're not perfect. Key spotting features for this car are:
Note: The following information on conditions and "Approximate Value" prices are intended to be a guideline only and is presented with no warranties, express or implied. Caution: Definitions and prices can and do vary with collectors, buyers and sellers, and, of course, whether a person is buying or selling an item. That's the way a "free market" works... A 2350 series flat car in "as manufactured" or "AM" condition has:
A 2350 series car in "mint in box" or "MIB," meets all "As Manufactured" criteria plus:
Because these cars are relatively scarce in as manufactured condition, there is an
estimated value for "runner" cars in this series of from 30-40% of the as manufactured values.
Table of Releases: Where available, click on "Image" to popup an image of the actual car.
AV = Approximate Value (US$ range) AM = As Manufactured (see above) MIB = Mint In Box (see above) Abbreviations: Hld=Herald, R/N=Roadname, L/R=Left/Right Side of Car |